Working With Your Content Provider to Produce Video that Looks Expensive, but Isn’t

In the daily consumption of online video, we are all competing for dwindling attention-spans – and one of the most effective ways to keep your viewers watching until the end is a video with a high production value.  The good news is that there are some key things your organization can do to ensure that your videos look as professional as possible, within your budget.

  • Branding: You’ve already paid to have a logo created, let’s use it!  Your logo could be used as an introductory animation that you use at the beginning of all of your videos, and also serve as as a color palette to draw from for any graphics that appear in your video.  Keeping your branding uniform across your website and your video’s opening and closing elevates the look of your video using assets you already own.
  • Gear: When hiring a videographer or creative agency, ask what kind of gear they provide.  At a minimum they should have a lighting kit, and audio of course – but equipment such as sliders, cranes, and gimbals are worth asking about and add a lot of production value to even the most simple shoot.  Pro Tip:  If it’s possible to add on a drone to a shoot, that’s a great way to gather some shots that can be used in a few different videos.  You pay for these aerial shots once, and they can be used multiple times across different platforms.
  • Behind The Scenes: On the day of your video shoot, appoint someone from your team to take photos of the video shoot setup, and the gear, the interviews being conducted, etc. to leverage those photos on social media and create some buzz for the finished product when it’s ready.  It gives you some material to share, and shows that your organization is investing in media.  Pro Tip: Keep this footage and the photos on hand for an eventual Company Culture video.

Keeping your videos and photo work at a high production level will make it more likely to get viewed and shared.  For more information and tips on how to make your marketing media stand out contact us: